On November 7th, 1960, the planet Mercury transited the Sun. This event was observed from Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln, Nebraska, by astronomy and physics professor Carroll Moore. Publicity about the event helped bring together a small but dedicated group of amateur astronomers and was the catalyst for the formation of the Prairie Astronomy Club. As the club grew, it found a role in public outreach and science education, and in 1977, helped raise the money to build Hyde Memorial Observatory, the only public observatory that was built and is operated entirely by donations, devoted to public viewing, free of admission charge, and staffed only by volunteers. Now celebrating its 50th anniversary, the Prairie Astronomy Club continues its mission to educate, provide public outreach and operate Hyde Memorial Observatory. This book tells the history of the club and includes stories and memories, and the best articles contributed by club members to the club’s newsletter, the The Prairie Astronomer.