Over the past four decades, Hong Kong painter Yeung Tong Lung has explored various techniques and mediums. Since the 1990s, he has worked primarily in oil, and then around 2000 he began to focus on a specific form of figurative painting. While Yeung’s paintings have remained largely figurative, they are not completely realistic or naturalistic. For Yeung, his theme has always been about painting. He paints people and the objects around him: the everyday scenes and sensations of Hong Kong, or more precisely, his neighbourhoods within the city―North Point, Western District and Kennedy Town. 綜觀楊東龍四十年的繪畫生涯,走過不同的階段,嘗試過不同的繪畫手法和媒材。自千禧以來,他回歸具象繪畫,探尋屬於自己的「寫實」路線:作品具象卻不全然擬真寫實。楊東龍畫畫的主題就是繪畫,用繪畫思考繪畫。楊自言甚麼題材都可以入畫,就決定畫身邊的人事物,畫香港(更準確而言是他活動的區域如北角、西環、堅尼地城)的日常,及感覺。