An 18-year-old girl named Kelly has started her senior year of high school in the small town of Wolven Creek. However, a new student who goes by the name of John Smith has piqued her interest. In high hopes of getting to know him better, Kelly takes on the challenge of trying to befriend him. In Xelanater’s debut novel, join Kelly in her quiet life as she attends school, hangs out with friends, and explores the forested town. Not all is peachy, however. No matter what sort of peaceful lifestyle one may attempt to live, there is always the chance of conflict sprouting up... --- As this is a quickwrite story, a non-standard approach was taken with the formatting. Each individual quickwrite had a set of criteria that must be met and there is a noticeable lack of chapters, among other differences compared to modern novels. And remember, don’t take "Innocence" too seriously. Anything can happen!