Waking up to a world of snowy white-what could be better? Young peter can't wait to jump in his snowsuit and run out to explore. There are snowmen to build snowballs to pack, mountains to climb and snowbanks to collapse in-to carve a snow angel! And when the day is done, there's a dark night of dreams and drifting snow, and a new snowy day to awake to.
No book has captured the magic and sense of possibility of the first snowfall better than The Snowy Day, winner of the Caldecott Medal.
艾茲拉.傑克.季茲Ezra Jack Keats
季茲(1916-1983) 在美國布魯克林區長大,一生幾乎都居住在紐約市。他的父母為波蘭移民,家境貧窮。季茲是自己是猶太人,年輕時飽受歧視,因此他對其他受歧視的種族,具有深刻的同情心。他也是美國第一位以小黑人為主角的童書創作者。
季茲從小就展現藝術天份,八歲時就為當地的店面畫招牌,因此就賺得25分美元。高中時期得獎無數、非常耀眼。第二次世界大戰後,他為了精進繪畫深度及廣度,就到法國巴黎深造,目前在法國第五大道的店面,仍有許多油畫作品被展示。季茲一生都很愛孩子,因此,也創作了許多經典圖畫書,包括榮獲凱迪克金獎的《下雪天》,和獲得凱迪克榮譽獎的《Goggles! 酷眼鏡》,以及《彼得的椅子》、《彼得的口哨》…等。
季茲曾為聯合國兒童基金會 (UNICEF) 代言募款活動,並參與1971年白宮兒童會議。Ezra Jack Keats基金會每年頒發Ezra Jack Keats獎,在於鼓勵優秀的童書繪者及作者新血,本著Ezra的精神,關注各國兒童、推廣家庭及社區的共同信念、開創及愛的學習,讓Ezra的大愛更加發光發熱。
Ezra Jack Keats (www.ezra-jack-keats.org), who died in 1983, was one of the first people to create a realistic, friendly, multi-ethnic urban setting in picture books for young children. His legacy lives on in the popularity of his most famous character, Peter-the star of The Snowy Day, Whistle for Willie, Peter's Chair, A Letter to Amy, Goggles!-and others