"Confessions of an MI6 Agent" is a fictional life journey of a voluptuous English spy named Eileen Zimmerman. Eileen was desperately seeking revenge for the bombing of London that killed her family members and the dreadful "Jewish Holocaust." She worked her way up to become an MI6 agent assigned to New York to work with the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC to entice the Americans to fight the war in Europe. As a writer of a fictional story, I was infatuated with producing a great character with all the human elements of good and evil, generous, selfish, moral, immoral, sexy and promiscuous, reserved, and intelligent. I aimed to create a protagonist with a soft heart for humankind but confused by her past traumatic misfortunes. There were times when she desperately searched to rectify her past behavior, but she couldn’t refrain from abandoning her well-structured lies and deceptions.