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Gaye Wilson-Smart

The Turquoise Tablet of Atlantis
$ 90
The Turquoise Tablet of Atlantis
作者:Gaye Wilson-Smart 
出版社:Gaye Wilson-Smart
樂天KOBO 樂天KOBO - 歷史謎團  - 來源網頁  
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:樂天KOBO   評分:
圖書名稱:The Turquoise Tablet of Atlantis

One sacred tablet of turquoise lies buried in history. The truth transcribed on this tablet was known to the ancient Atlanteans and concerns one of life`s greatest mysteries.The secret of immortality lingers just out of reach and this message needs to be retrieved before the arrival of the second Great Flood of the world.
Christa comes to Adam to receive past life regression therapy. Soon she finds herself joining him on a trail to rediscover a hidden arcane tablet which she felt she had to hide away during her previous incarnation in ninth century Arabia.
At the time she was Taran who was being cross questioned, together with his people, by Caliph Al Mamoun and their lives depended on their giving of the right answers which led Taran to run away with the tablet.
Now Christa and Adam, in the present day, begin their research into the past of that time and quickly learn of a sacred and holy mountain in the Sinai desert, Serabit el Khaddim. This mountain survived the first Great Flood and holds the ruins of a temple and a cave where more recent archaelogical discoveries have uncovered a mysterious crucible and traces of unidentified white powder. Upon regressing Christa once again she finds that she, herself, once visited the cave of Hathor and experienced the cosmic mystery and wisdom of the Goddess Isis so greatly revered in the cave back in the fourteenth century BCE.
She also becomes aware of the time when the people of the Sinai desert found a meteorite which ultimately links with the white light powder stone.
One client of Adam finds a past life key to the mystery in a life lived in the fifteenth century, and another in his life as a Templar Knight, unlocks a truth of John the Baptist.
Adam experiences his life as ArchDruid Bran the Blessed to learn of the blessed realm of white light also known to the Baptist.
Christa, meanwhile, follows her line of research to learn about the whole area surrounding the sacred and holy mountain where Moses saw the burning bush. The land then spans right the way up to the Holy Land, and Jerusalem, on one side and across to the pyramids and the sphinx in the other direction. Now her discoveries reveal traces of a lost land which once lay beneath and across the whole area, filling most of the Mediterranean basin, travelling through Galilee, Dead Sea and the river Jordan where John was baptising. But the land incorporated the volcano of Thera, on Santorini, which exploded in 1600BCE and destroyed Atlantis completely. Yet she also finds that it was the Matriarchal society ~ carried to the people by Isis and Osiris, as daughter and son of the Great Celestial Mother ~ which dominated in Atlantis. This gave the people their Golden Age of peace and wisdom and yet the Aryans came to destroy this peaceful society.
Through two more journeys into past lives Christa finds herself experiencing the twelve gates of the dark and the hours of the night. She is in the company of the God Osiris and travels through a cave beneath the holy mountain of Serabit.
Adam`s past life experience takes him to the life he lived with his wife Prescilla, on Santorini as the Thera volcano begins to erupt.
Ultimately the two of them have learned so much and their own personal story interweaves the narrative search back into the ancient past. Yet the one missing truth is still held on that elusive turquoise tablet finally rediscovered by Christa on her return to her life as Taran. Now she can reveal the truth of the wording as it was laid down originally, by the messenger prophet Hermes. The secret can now be uncovered to return humanity to the original Atlantean beliefs. This truth of immortality involves the secret of how these ancient people once lived lives of peace and great harmony far removed from the need for war.

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