Are you willing to surrender all that you are, and all that you know, to receive good health, long life and an inner peace that surpasses all understanding? If so, then this book was written for you. I was on the proverbial edge of a cliff and then fell off into a deep dark hole full of death; fear and anguish is what I thought the definition of cancer was, until I met Jesus.
Beyond my wildest dreams, this life changing diagnoses of cancer has transformed me into a new creation. This inspirational book will lead you out of an unhealthy circumstance, into the light of victorious healing beyond all thoughts possible. All is possible with the Lord and only God the Father makes the decision when we are to go back home. Standing in the presence of the Father begins right now. I will teach you all the Lord has revealed to me that has opened the door to Heaven while still here on earth. This will b e a life changing experience that will grant you eternal life, which means a life with no ending. You will learn how to surpass death as Jesus has, for we belong to the Prince of Peace and the King of allNations. You are about to be put on a journey that is full of love, peace and understanding beyond your comprehension. You will receive an abundance of wisdom and knowledge from the author of life, God himself.
Can being diagnosed with cancer be the best thing that has ever happened to you; can being diagnosed with cancer actually save your life? The answer is yes.
Everything written in this book is based on true facts that have taken place. Hold my hand as I walk you into the light of Jesus, and may He carry you the rest of the way.