Michelle Smith Being a little rebellious, wanting to do things her way, against the advice of her teachers and parents, Michelle left school at 15, began working and moved out of her family home. The school of hard knocks is where she learned her most valuable lessons. Always looking for opportunity, Michelle began her first business at the age of 19. She wanted to be her own boss and was determined to be in control her own future. Fast forward to 2016, she has only worked for a boss for 12 months in 22 years. However, life has not all been a bed of roses, and there have been a few major struggles along the way. The biggest of these was when her husband Glen was unemployed for the first time in his life at 39. At the same time, Michelle was recovering from a three-and-a-half-year battle with chronic pain, which resulted in her losing her business. With a massive 84% drop in income, a $300,000 mortgage and three young children to feed Michelle and Glen were backed against a wall. It was a matter of do something radical, or lose the lot. By applying their systems building skills and using the banking system to their advantage they developed revolutionary new way of money management called Bill Banisher. Friends of friends heard about Michelle’s story and started asking her for help with their finances. Several couples were on the brink of bankruptcy, and in some cases, ready for divorce, but the Bill Banisher system totally neutralized the arguments about money! After a very short time, there was tangible evidence that they could really change their lives. Karen, for example, was excited that after 13 years of marriage and no savings, she now had hope to one day buy a home. That was something not possible before. Michelle shares with you how to get out of debt and set yourself up to prosper by showing you how to get your foundations solid and discover what inspires you in making YOUR money work for YOU. With her knowledge of money management, investing, strategy, business, sales and marketing Michelle will inspire you to get out of your comfort zone and change your financial future. With this in mind, she has developed a simple, proven method to set your finances up so you will never have to worry or even think about them again.