Ms. Najwa Syakirah Hamizan obtained her Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from UiTM, with a focus on the design and evaluation of a customized hip prosthesis. Throughout her MSc studies, she served as a UiTM Postgraduate Teaching Assistant (UPTA), assisting in laboratory works for Mechanics of Materials, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, and Finite Element Method & Analysis courses for undergraduate students. She is a registered Graduate Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and a Graduate Member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM).
Ir. Ts. Dr. Solehuddin Shuib is a professor of biomechanics at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, USA, a master’s in mechanical engineering from the University of Toledo, Ohio, USA, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. His research interests are in biomechanical engineering and medical devices.
Ir. Dr. Amir Radzi Ab Ghani is an associate professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. He obtained his PhD from UiTM, specialising in the impact performance of metallic structures for automotive applications. His current interests are structural impact and crashworthiness, and automotive engineering. His knowledge and expertise in structural analysis enables him to be involved in projects of various areas such as electric mobility, oil and gas, sea transportation and biomechanics.