Ying Zhang, Assistant Professor of Chinese History at the Ohio State University. Zhang received her Ph.D. in History and Women’s Studies from the University of Michigan. Her research and publications focus on Ming politics, the Ming-Qing transition, and gender in pre-modern China. Her monograph on the image politics of seventeenth-century China is forthcoming with the University of Washington Press.
Harry T. Dickinson
Teaching for forty years at the University of Edinburgh, Harry T. Dickinson has been an Emeritus Professor there since 2006. He has lectured in the UK, the USA, Europe and Asia and has published in seven languages in fourteen countries. He is the author or editor of well over two hundred publications, including, Bolingbroke, Walpole and the Whig Supremacy, Caricatures and the Constitution, 1760-1832, Liberty and Property in Eighteenth-Century Britain, and The Politics of the People in Eighteenth-Century Britain
王昌偉 王心敬續《關學編》與康乾之際關中理學傳統的建構:兼論清代學術的區域化進程
劉 勇 晚明理學「止修」學派之宗旨與師承
張藝曦 明代陽明畫像的流傳及其作用──兼及清代的發展
Ying Zhang Confucian Principles and Representations of a Scandal: Writing about Zheng Man in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Harry T. Dickinson Later Reflections on the Revolution in France: Changing British Interpretations from 1815 to the Present
金觀濤、劉青峰、邱偉雲 〈《新青年》的數位人文研究〉
David Der-wei Wang Talks at “New Reflections on New Youth: Liberalism and Radicalism in Modern China”
Yoshizawa Seiichio Political Ideals of New Youth: Chen Duxiu and Republicanism
Jeu Jenq Yuann Scientific Life View: Personal or Human