James Chappel has written and illustrated three children’s books including "William’s Wish", "The Big City Adventures of Muffin and Biscuit", and "What you can learn from Bears in the Woods."
Additionally, he is the author of numerous film scripts and adult novels. Motion picture scripts include: "Masked Vengeance," "Rover," and "Ceramic Time Machine." Adult novels include: "The Day of Reckoning," "Parthenogenesis," and "Unintended Consequences."
James Chappel is a graduate of Fresno State University with a tri-major in graphic arts, fine arts, and dramatic arts. Minors included literature, creative writing and speech. He has worked in television for many years including the host of Community Close-up, a 30-minute community service program dealing with important issues affecting the Central San Joaquin Valley of California.
He also worked for over ten years in Spanish language television were he established the first Hispanic Health Fair; Produced live productions of Fresno State College soccer and Fiesta Broadway, Fresno.
You could say James was born to write and illustrate children’s books. He began his cartooning career in high school as the editorial cartoonist for Sierra High School newspaper. His love for cartooning continued as editorial cartoonist for the ’Rampage’ his junior college newspaper then on to Fresno State College as editorial cartoonist for the college newspaper, the ’Collegian.’
He discovered the true joy of Story-telling when his children’s bedtime turned from reading books to making up stories that captivated their imagination. It was his children that encouraged their dad to illustrate these imaginative tales into picture books.