In an effort to persuade the Calvinists, a fellow minister who used to believe in Calvinism frequently used the term "enabling grace". This prompted the author to write an article on the subject and other topics on Calvinism. With the help of other ministers, by the grace of God, that fellow is no longer a Calvinist. The Calvinists would often make mention of terms such as sovereign grace, efficacious grace, irresistible grace, etc. to mean something different or to emphasize their doctrine. When a Calvinist speaks about "enabling grace", he meant that God’s grace cannot be resisted. This book also touches on the issue about God’s grace and man’s freewill, some conflicting ideas of Calvinism on the issue of Total Depravity, Questions to the Calvinists, and Scriptural proofs that grace can be resisted.This was first written as an article in the year 2000 and published as a book in 2016. The author is a Missionary Baptist missionary in the Philippines -- Edwin Jardinel.