New Zealand's top 12 fish species and how to catch them. Popular fishing writer John Eichelsheim spills the beans on how and where to catch the best examples of New Zealand's top 12 fish species. John draws on his own forty years of experience fishing around the country to tell personal stories of his own 'top catch' for each species, then provides biological/ geographical information on the fish, the nuts and bolts of tackle and technique, including the peak season, and the current records (biggest fish ever caught etc). He's author has chosen species with appeal for anglers in both main islands and has chosen those that are accessible to the average angler as well as some more 'aspirational' species that need to be caught with specialist gear: snapper, kahawai, blue cod, trout (brown and rainbow), kingfish, trevally, apuku/groper, tuna (yellowfin and albacore), tarakihi, salmon, gurnard and marlin (striped, blue and black). It's both a practical guide and a celebration of our top fish species, full of great yarns and useful information.