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John T O’Halloran

Red Chameleons
$ 376
Red Chameleons
作者:John T O’Halloran 
出版社:Chisel & Stone
樂天KOBO 樂天KOBO - 間諜活動  - 來源網頁  
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:樂天KOBO   評分:
圖書名稱:Red Chameleons

Imagine, that following the election’s in November glasses are raised in Moscow because, following a military coup, a new Czar replaces the President and succeeds re-establishing the old Soviet Union. At the same time, he succeeds in having Russia’s puppet elected as President of the USA. This new President is a fascist, white racist southerner from Texas. Immediately before this, he convinced the USA that they should both disarm, which the Russians do not. The consequences are terrifying.

The plot leading up to these events is hatched in the Ukraine immediately after the Russian Revolution and unfolds over many years; there is carnage and deception throughout.

Red Chameleons is about The Agenda drawn up after the Russian revolution by The White Russians from the Ukraine, who supported the Czar. They are determined that The Agenda's goals will be achieved however long it takes. The Agenda's purpose is to bring back a new Czar to the throne by fair means or foul, while at the same time controlling the President of the USA, which they achieve after a trail of carnage.

1. Because Stalin survives the Second World War, Devchenko the leader of The Whites, calls for a meeting of The Agenda's signatories in Helsinki, where together with two brilliant financiers, Isaac Greenbaum and Gerady Gerasimov, The Agenda is altered and detailed plans about how Czarist funds should be used to achieve their new aims are agreed. There are those that fail to comply who are summarily dealt with.

2. Gradually, The Whites infiltrate the secret services of the USA, Great Britain, and their own KGB in Moscow, where a British defector from MI5 secretly arranges the building of a missile base in the Ural Mountains. The Whites also ensure that one of their number controls the NASA moon-based spy satellite.

3. Greenbaum and Gerasimov take charge of undermining the American government to ensure the election of their own candidate as President, who they can blackmail into obeying their orders. They also begin illegally trading on the stock market and introduce farmers to a company that has invented a new seed that yields triple the grain crop they are used to, which they all use.

4. However, The Czars successor nearly destroys The Whites' plan by commanding a test of the moon-based satellite which triggers two explosions killing 2000 people in London and more in America.

5. When Devchenko dies, the commander of The Whites arranges the murder of the Czars heir and having manipulated his own bloodline, assumes he will be next to step into his shoes.

6. The year before the election in the USA, The Whites remove the Soviet regime in a bloodless coup. They then deceive The West into agreeing mutual disarmament in return for the break-up of the Soviet Union and a guaranteed share in profit for financing the rebuilding their industries. The Americans also agree to release their grain reserves so that the Soviets can feed their starving millions. The American president is now sure that he will be re-elected

7. Disarmament begins and the grain reserves arrive in the republics. Funds are then deposited in Moscow's central bank by eager western investors. Elections in the Soviet Republics are arranged, the results of which are to be announced in Moscow with all of the world's dignitaries present.

8. But, while the world's leaders are on their way to Moscow, the FBI and MI5 have finally discovered the identities of The Whites spies, the whereabouts of a hidden missile base in Russia and much more. However, they decide to wait until the President returns from Moscow.

9. The results of the elections reveal that each republic has returned a deputy who pledges allegiance to Moscow. This is a shock to those present, but not as much as the film footage showing a famine across the USA or the news that all the financial markets have collapsed, apart from that in the Soviet Union. The final live film they see is that of a nuclear missile being launched on-route to Hawaii. This is accompanied by a stark warning that if any country rearms they will receive the same treatment.

10. Back in the USA and Britain, the culprits that the FBI an MI5 have identified have all flown the roost and their investigation is in tatters despite deaths and kidnaps, blackmail and more.

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