Your audience is waiting, and you begin to speak.You have cotton mouth. Your palms are sweaty. Your mind and mouth are not cooperating. Your technology has a glitch.You panic. Help is here!
- Take control of your communication! The world is your stage. Set the stage, own it, and enjoy it as you share your message with confidence.
- Start using these proven strategies to keep your audience wanting more and earn the applause you deserve.
- Be prepared! You are your own best public relations specialist.
- Learn to handle problems and difficult people efficiently and effectively.
- Command, Engage and Win! Discover the secrets and strategies to master and enjoy communicating.
Whether you are a student in Speech 101 or a corporate manager who wants employees to buy-into a project, this book provides helpful strategies, challenges, declarations, and solutions to propel your communication skills from mediocre to
memorable. Be the Best You. Command Your World and Win!