Kaleo Ching, M.A. Art, CAMT, CCHT, and Elise Dirlam Ching, RN, M.A., CAMT, CCHT, teach their holistic process integrating Chi Kung, guided imagery, and transformative art and maskmaking as a journey to inner wisdom and discovery of the sacred within. They teach at John F. Kennedy University, Wisdom University, and CIIS Public Programs and workshops in the Bay Area and beyond. Kaleo also teaches Chi Kung and bodywork classes at the Acupressure Institute and has a private bodywork and hypnotherapy practice in Walnut Creek, California. They coauthored "Faces of Your Soul: Rituals in Art, Maskmaking and Guided Imagery with Ancestors, Spirit Guides, and Totem Animals", published by North Atlantic Books, 2006, and "Chi and Creativity: Vital Energy and Your Inner Artist", published by Blue Snake Books, 2007. They are currently writing "The Pilgrimage: Your Personal Explorations of Dying and Rebirth".