English Communication for Your Career
Air Travel and Tourism introduces students to a variety of real work and real life situations and the appropriate language to use, helping students develop the skills they need to communicate successfully in English.
Practice useful scenarios as warm-up to each chapter.
Learn the keywords and useful expressions.
Listen to the conversations to learn the language that is needed for specific situations.
Use the substitution drills to practice what students have learned.
Have fun with build-up activities to improve listening and speaking skills.
1. 餐飲相關科系、有意報考空姐/空少、導遊讀者。
2. 想自助旅行、又擔心語言能力不足的讀者。
3. 單元結構簡易明瞭,方便教學及自修。
4. 大量對話、應答練習,提供讀者相關主題學習模組,學完即可活用。