Why is north considered up? How did cartographers arrive at this conclusion? What if south was scientifically shown to be upwards? Why are humans collectively killing the very planet that is providing them with the sustenance and experience of manifested life? Could this be due to incorrect global perspectives?
You would not get into a vehicle, turn the ignition, put into first gear, and proceed to travel whilst looking through the rear windscreen; orienting yourself as if the back of your vehicle was the front, would you? Yet, this is like what we do everyday when we orient globes and maps of Earth with north as up Incorrect perspectives lead to accidents Are you ready to re-evaluate from scratch, all that you've been taught about the world?
Using everyday examples, Kwabena Amen presents a world-correcting idea - that Trilocation, Earth's third-orbit through space, determines that Antarctica, and the South Pole, is in fact up, or top of the planet