圖書名稱:Be a Survivor: Your Guide to Breast Cancer Treatment
THE ONLY BOOK THAT IS MULTIDISCIPLINARYThis book is not just a single author’s opinion. It presents the combined expertise of dozens of nationally recognized experts in surgery, oncology, radiation therapy, nurse navigation and survivorship for a truly multidisciplinary overview of options.AN IDEAL TOOL FOR NURSE NAVIGATORSThe information is presented in the order corresponding to the patient’s course through treatment. List of questions to ask optimize patient-provider encounters. Superb graphics help explain difficult concepts.When Dr. Lange’s wife, also a physician, was diagnosed, both were overwhelmed by the complexity of the information they had to process. BEASURVIVOR was inspired by their desire to make the journey easier for others.This book has been an award-winning bestseller, edition after edition, and on the “recommended” lists of all major breast cancer organizations.