Dimension jumping, a bogeyman, a deadly virus and zombies...Unable to get over the death of his wife, Jill, and their unborn child in a tragic accident, Darren takes to drinking heavily and generally letting himself go. After a night out with a friend, he goes to the graveyard and to his wife’s grave with a few cans, and a few pills. He wakes the next morning still in the graveyard, but the grave has gone, in fact the whole world seems to have gone to hell. While leaving the cemetery, he sees what looks like cannibals eating other humans. On the main road there has been a car pile up and more of these cannibal creatures are about: one attacks him. He gets help from a woman and teenage boy and they go to his house. He finds this has changed as well: the spare room contains and cot and evidence of a child. Is he going crazy or could it be that he has entered another dimension somehow? A dimension in which his wife and child lived?Fighting off zombies and a bogeyman and travelling through dimensions, Darren must seek out the answers at the mysterious research facility, Langfield...