Embark on an enchanting fantasy adventure with Maria and her dog Riff in MetamorFalls! Perfect for children who adore animals and magic, this thrilling tale follows Maria as she explores the woods and discovers a magical waterfall that transforms animals into humans and vice versa. In this wondrous world, Maria becomes a cat and befriends Felix the clever fox, Rose the kind robin, and Sebastian the playful squirrel. Together, they embark on exhilarating adventures, uncovering new places and learning to see the world in a whole new way. Their journey takes a dramatic turn when they find unhappy animals at a nearby circus. With determination and friendship, Maria and her newfound friends must outsmart the Circus Master and rescue the captive animals. MetamorFalls is a captivating story filled with magic, friendship, and exciting adventures that will enthrall young readers and transport them to a world where humans and animals switch places, embarking on unforgettable journeys. Discover the magic, embrace the adventure, and join Maria and her friends in this delightful, heartwarming tale