A Comprehensive 5 Stage Business Plan for Reviving the Economic prosperity of Black Communities in America Like my Hometown of Flint MichiganBlack Americans are Taxed everyday of our lives and most of that tax revenue does not return to aid our communities in any positive way. Payroll, state, county, city, property, retail taxes and more... are paid by Black Americans on a yearly basis.This story paints a dark portrait of our economic conditions currently and suggests limitations for our future revival. However, like many things in life..." the darkness actually aids us .......in finding the light in the room".What if we can use A Black Tax...in a positive way? Yes...I am proposing a Self imposed - tax ....offered by a Nation that demonstrates a love for others and community... above individual attainment! "Let’s rebuild our own communities"!My humble suggestion to immediately change the economic conditions of the Black Community .......is to Tax Ourselves. We must create the revenue needed for Macro -economic change to Black Communities across America and eventually to the world!Useless political rallies and political Rhetoric will never change our condition!To think that one day..another race of people, is going to have a reversal of direction and give us what we need thru Politics or Government benefits is insane.Insane because..how many times do we have to keep trying the same old plan, and expecting a different outcome? It’s not as if we don’t want to do something different. The truth is...nobody has a concrete Macro-economic plan to achieve our goals! If u don’t believe me, then do as I’ve done, and research it for yourself. Set appointments to meet local leaders, politicians, Pastors, organizations and others..to ask them about a plan.It’s easy to point fingers at others, and blame them for our lack of progress today. Again....Our unique history has been well documented by many authors, yet where are the detailed action plans for moving forward? Black Tax is not a new concept entirely! But then again...the Bible says that there are "No New Things under the Sun".. What once was..will be again.I have researched many investment groups around the country. It is So exciting to see .....the dawning of the Collective Awakening taking place in our communities!My personal view of these groups is that though the concept of Group Economics is "the Solution" for our Community Economic Revival, it must be simple enough for the participants to understand and affordable for all who want to help.Black Tax is a simple plan that allows individuals to invest as low as $100 in a needed community project, yet have equal power within the investment groups!Many times when considering a project involving investments, the poor and disadvantaged have no ability to participate! For black Tax...you may only buy one share of stock per project. So No-One has any power over anyone else and stock options may only be transferred via family inheritance.What do you think the Stock Market is? What do you think Mutual Funds are? What do you think foreign investment groups are? What do you think Communities like "Tulsa Black Wall Street" and "The Ninth Street Business District" here in Arkansas were building ....before their destruction by angry White Terrorist Mobs?Why were white people so mad, and why did they have to destroy these communities in the late 1800’s? Because they saw that Black America had finally figured it out...that the only true social right respected in this country is Capitalism!Black buying power has surpassed Trillions of dollars in 2018, yet what good is that if we aren’t on the receiving end of that revenue.In fact our contribution to Economies both here and around the world greatly outweigh our percentage of the population racially.Think about it......just by investing an amount that most of us freely Spent this past weekend..... we have the opportunity to demonstrate the Depth of our love for each other and community!