A Walk into Paradise, Burundi SAHUTUGA" is a transformative narrative that envisions the journey of Burundi, a nation emerging from a history marked by civil strife and division. Authored by Audace Mpoziriniga, an independent researcher and thinker, the book introduces the concept of SAHUTUGA, a powerful word and symbol representing unity, hope, and reconciliation.
Through critical analysis and deep insights, the author proposes a new national identity, untethered from historical tribal distinctions, providing a foundation for lasting peace and progress. The book invites readers to join this journey, embracing SAHUTUGA as not just a word but a living testament to the resilience and determination of a nation.As the narrative unfolds, it touches on various aspects of national development, from political frameworks to economic strategies, education, and societal healing. It is a call to action, encouraging citizens, leaders, and communities to unite for the collective betterment of Burundi SAHUTUGA.