As a child, Ambika Devi filled the margins of her notebooks with original stories, drawings, and poetry. With deep devotion, she has dedicated her novel Lilith to the potent power of the Divine Feminine. Her backpack is stuffed with colored pens, a journal, a Kindle, and a deck of Tarot cards, and her heart is overflowing with the richness of mystical wisdom and ancient ways. Ambika Devi surely has one thousand arms like the great goddess for whom she is a namesake. Each of the hands is involved in a creative act which is generated with intense passion. She began reading the Tarot cards and her study of Yoga as a child and has always cherished the magic of dreaming. A permanent student and writer, Ambika Devi holds a master’s degree in yoga and bachelor’s degrees in: astrology, fine arts, holistic health and teaching. Her current research of deep relaxation induced by breath and sound for her doctoral dissertation in Vak-Yoga, takes her traveling internationally presenting to a vast array of audiences.