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Newhouse Publishing Inc.

The Eternity Series (3 Book Boxed Set)
$ 181
The Eternity Series (3 Book Boxed Set)
作者:Holly Newhouse 
出版社:Newhouse Publishing Inc.
樂天KOBO 樂天KOBO - 歷史文學  - 來源網頁  
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:樂天KOBO   評分:
圖書名稱:The Eternity Series (3 Book Boxed Set)

A person can have many soul mates in a lifetime but, each person has only one twin soul in each life. This belief taught to me by my grandmother is one that has always filled me with wonder. As a young child, she often sat next to me in front of the fire blazing brightly in our tipi and spoke of the legend of the twin souls. The legend is as old as creation itself.
It is said that as the creator was making human beings he was surrounded by souls to place in them. The creator decided to take a single soul and split it in half creating twin souls. He then took the two twin souls and touched them together as light as a butterfly’s kiss. The twin souls were then separated and placed respectively into man and woman. The creator lightly touched them together so that when they meet one day, they will recognize the other’s soul as their twin. This is because they have already met at the beginning of creation and will immediately feel as if they have known each other forever.
I am “Sumanitu taka kici mani wiya” which means she who walks with the wolf and live with my elderly grandmother, Shetawahki, who is a revered elder and medicine woman of the Lakota Sioux Nation and part of the Roaming Wolf Sioux Tribe.

Book 1 - This book is a historical paranormal romance set in the west during in the time the white settlers came and the Indian Nation people roamed freely. There are two separate stories. In the first book you will meet half white and half Indian Juliana Dodge orphaned as a twenty year old maiden who lives on the fort and is ridiculed when everyone finds out about her half breed status. She meets the handsome Blackfoot warrior, Cheveyo and things take off from there but, life is not easy for them and they have many challenges to overcome. Is their vow to be together strong enough to stand against the white soldiers? Will their love endure?

Book 2 -  She Who Walks with Wolves, the Sioux Chief's daughter who is destined to be with Shadow Hawk, the Blackfoot Chief Cheveyo's son. They find out they are Twin Souls. But, will their love be strong enough to stand through what is to come? Will her supernatural blessing from the Great Spirit truly be a blessing or a curse in her life?
As one reader put it, "There are so many twists and turns that you don't see coming and they keep you reading until the very end. I had to read it all in one sitting."

Book 3: Prophecy Fulfilled - Follow She who walks with wolves, her life mate Shadow hawk and their new family in the third book of the Eternity Series, as they embark on their new lives together on the Blackfoot Tribe's lands. Will She who walks with wolves maintain the strong twin soul life mate bond with Shadow hawk? Can she handle the rewards and burdens concerning her gifts from the Great Spirit of healing her people, healing Mother Earth, and the ability to see the past, present, and future of her people. Together, as the sacred couple, will She who walks with wolves and Shadow hawk's love be strong enough to endure the vision sight world? Will they be strong enough to survive the betrayals to come at the hands of those they trust the most? Is She who walks with wolves, the sacred woman, her people have prayed for? Will she survive the attack of the White eyes soldiers and give her people reason to hope and fight? Or will she give up and die at the hands of the White eyes, according to the prophecy?

"The Eternity Series by Holly Newhouse is a sea of emotions, healing, trauma, war and moments of spiritual awe. Its intense episodes are imbued with sweetness, humour, spirit, joy and tribulation and are written with a candid and deep style. It is a close look at what life may have been like for an Indian nation facing ruthless invaders. The excellent character portrayal will take you deep into the minds of the characters, and elements of telepathy between them further enhance the intrigue surrounding the soul mate connection. Again, Newhouse has diligently depicted the beauty and splendour of the Indian tribes, as well as the suffering and challenges they endured. If you enjoyed the first two books, you will find this third book compelling due to the destiny of the main characters in protecting the Indian nation and in uniting different tribes with a shared purpose.

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