Writers Note The reason that urged me to write this book from an artists point of view is because I want to share what I have experienced myself. Using this creative painting medium as a cataclist to uncover my true Self is something I wish to share with others. Everything we do as human beings is due to some chronological order, which determines that all experiences, some more than others, are due to age and one's capability, willingness to perceive things. This has nothing to do with being smarter than others but instead with ones own realisation and the choices one is making. Yet in order to do such things adequately one has to have a least sense of being aware of what his capabilities are so such a person may actually be actively involved by participating and creating his own Self. In order to act sensibly we have to have a certain conscious understanding for our pimary drives, urges and needs that influence all our actions from which all our emotions arise. Now throughout my artistc exploration I came to realise two major things one is that whoever we are and whatever religion or color we may have we are all human beings and therfore we all share similar perceptions and experiences. In order to grasp and understand more of our own nature as human beings our priority ought to acknowledge first and above all our own nature and what makes us a sensible human enitity.