威士忌的流行趨勢是什麼?哪一家酒廠的滋味最醇厚?還有,到底誰是傑克.丹尼爾呢?關於威士忌的所有知識,《Field Guide to Whisky》讓你信手捻來,全不錯過!
《Field Guide to Whisky》提供愛好者關於威士忌領域的一切知識:威士忌的基本成分是什麼?如何醞釀出這醇厚的滋味?哪些威士忌品牌真的名不虛傳?世界各地目前的威士忌流行趨勢是什麼?還有,到底誰是傑克.丹尼爾(Jack Daniel)?這些關於威士忌的精華資訊,全被提取淬鍊出來,凝聚在本書323則關於威士忌的訊息裡。包括威士忌的基本資訊、生產方式、消費資訊,甚至連產地、釀酒廠名單、酒吧以及節日消息,應有盡有。
A comprehensive, definitive resource of whiskey knowledge broken down into 323 short but packed entries and wrapped up in an attractive package.
A Field Guide to Whisky is a one-stop guide for all the information a whisky enthusiast needs. With the whisky market booming all over the world, now is a perfect time for a comprehensive guide to this popular brown spirit. What are the basic ingredients in all whiskies? How does it get its flavor? Which big-name brands truly deserve their reputation? What are the current whisky trends around the world? And who was Jack Daniel, anyway? This abundance of information is distilled into 324 short entries covering basic whisky literacy, production methods, consumption tips, trends, trivia, geographical maps and lists of distilleries, whisky trails, bars, hotels, and festivals by an industry insider. Boasting 230 color photographs and a beautiful package to boot, A Field Guide to Whisky will make a whisky expert out of anyone.