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Phillip L Scheldt

System of Debt Relief
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System of Debt Relief
作者:Emancipation Network 
出版社:Phillip L Scheldt
樂天KOBO 樂天KOBO - 個人財務  - 來源網頁  
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:樂天KOBO   評分:
圖書名稱:System of Debt Relief

System of Debt Relief
Don’t Suffer in Silence

In recent years we have seen a disturbing increase in the number of people trapped in financial bondage. For example, people with good credit for buying a car have decreased from 70% to 30% of new car buyers. The housing crisis has left many people in underwater home loans and more and more young people cannot earn enough to pay their student loans. At the same time Congress has reduced bankruptcy protection available to wage earners and students. Add in a dismal employment climate, and many have become slaves to The Money System.

We say enough is enough. So, through the Internet, we’re making our System of Debt Relief available to everyone to set people free and help them get back on the path to a successful life.

If you are like most people, a money problem can be so personal and so devastating that you feel like you must keep it hidden from your family and friends. Fear of being branded a failure and becoming a social outcast throws a dark shadow over your life. Even places which should offer a helping hand, like your church, may instead offer condemnation and guilt. It’s almost easier to confess to an STD than to a money problem.

To be sure, there are complex financial, legal, moral, and spiritual issues which come from money problems. And most people, especially those who have never experienced a money problem, do not have the knowledge or temperament to help you. Then, of course, there are vultures looking to rob you of what little you have left. It’s a jungle out there.

But if you stay isolated and frozen by fear, you will never make it out. You must get moving.

You Are Not Alone

You may feel like you are alone in the howling wilderness, but in fact you hare in the company of millions of Americans. Over 70% of them have bad credit for auto purchases. As many as 50% are underwater on their homes. The number of unemployed and underemployed are at the highest level since the Great Depression. Even the government has had its credit downgraded. It seems that the whole country is awash with money problems.

Even so, it is little comfort that there are many other lost in the financial wilderness. The good news is that there are those who have gone before, finding pathways like financial Daniel Boones and killing bears like financial Davy Crockets. In fact, many of the most successful people in America have fought through money problems, losses, and bankruptcy to come roaring back. The wilderness was where they learned the secrets to success.

We like to point to the life of the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln, to show how to build a successful life. Like many of us, Lincoln suffered a financial catastrophe which left him deep in debt. History records that after the Panic of 1837 his creditors took his assets from him on more than one occasion. Nevertheless, Lincoln pulled himself together and increased his earning power by becoming a lawyer. He married, bought a home, and after he had built his life earned the nickname “Honest Abe” by finally repaying his debt several years after. Then, using the lessons he learned in the finical wilderness, he achieved his destiny as one of our greatest presidents.

We believe that you can get free from debt and build your life just like Abraham Lincoln did.

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