This is a dynamite story about Tyner, a twenty-four-year-old man who lives in northwestern Montana as a mountain man. He was raised in the Tennessee hill country and relocated to Montana four-plus years ago.
The story begins in Montana when Tyner encounters two Crow warriors who are searching for an eighteen-year-old slave girl who escaped their village recently. She is a Blackfoot they stole during a raid on a Blackfoot village. Tyner locates the girl, discovers that she has been beaten, and decides to help her escape before the warriors can find her. He takes her to his cabin where she can be safe, heal her wounds, and rest. Her name is Bright Water. Bright Water remains with Tyner. They take a trip to the Tradin’ Post located on the Snake River. While at the Tradin’ Post, Bright Water is attacked by two Shoshone women and is severely beaten. Tyner helps her recuperate, and she seeks revenge on the two Shoshone women.