Revelation is a neglected book, yet it gives true believers information regarding the future that is essential to them and their faith in God. We read the news and if we are going on a long journey we read as much as we can about the route we are thinking of taking and the destination to check if there are any dangers of which we need to be aware. We only have one life, one opportunity to gain eternal life and yet so often we leave things to chance. We are told about the mind that controls the evil spiritual forces that surround us and of the weapons of warfare that could give us protection yet we leave them lying around in a neglected state, unused and ourselves open to danger. It is ridiculous What a way of ensuring our future? Are we serious about God or do we prefer to play at our relationship with Him like children. This study of the book of Revelation is not definitive but it does seek to guide the novice through the book to give it meaning. Unless we study to show ourselves approved of God then we could well end up like the five foolish virgins locked out of heaven through our own neglect and self-inflicted ignorance. This book, "Seeing Into The Future: Understanding the Revelation of John" is a serious work that should be read by all those who are serious about their faith and desire to enter into God's rest.