作者:Sebastian Veg
Sebastian Veg(魏簡)is a Professor at the School of Advanced Studies in Social Science (EHESS), Paris and an honorary assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong. His interests are in twentieth century Chinese intellectual history, literature, and political debates, as well as intellectual and cultural debates in Hong Kong.
作者:Shakhar Rahav
Shakhar Rahav is Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor) in Asian Studies at the University of Haifa, Israel. He has written about intellectuals and politics in modern China and is the author of The Rise of Political Intellectuals in Modern China: May Fourth Societies And the Roots of Mass-Party Politics (Oxford University Press, 2015).
臺灣大學歷史系、歷史研究所畢業,美國普林斯頓大學博士。2004年當選中研院院士,2005年獲選英國皇家歷史學會會士。現任中央研究院歷史語言研究所特聘研究員。著有《章太炎的思想》、《古史辨運動的興起》、Fu Ssu-nien: A Life in Chinese History and Politics(《傅斯年:中國近代歷史與政治中的個體生命》)、《中國近代思想與學術的系譜》、《晚明清初思想十論》、《權力的毛細管作用:清代的思想、學術與心態》、《執拗的低音:一些歷史思考方式的反思》等書。