外國人眼中的台灣到底是什麼樣子? 他們到底在台灣停留多久? 他們在台灣做些什麼? 台灣人友善聰明嗎?
旅人在台灣—— 第一本關於在台旅人的生活經驗談。
What do "foreigners" think of Taiwan ? How long do they stay ? What do they do ? Are Taiwanese really friendly & smart ? Should Taiwan be part of China ?
These questions and curiosities are answered in this study, the first of its kind in Taiwan.
The government will hate it, you will love it !
Find out what these strange "white monkeys" get up to in this Formosa…..
我真的喜歡台灣。在這塊土地上生活,我覺得十分自在,所以打算在這裡待上一輩子。I like Taiwan; I am really comfortable here and plan to stay the rest of my life.
我的生活就好比是如魚得水一般逍遙自在。 I have never felt so at ease to do what I want.
Net proceeds go to the Foundation for Single Pinay Moms in College