About the Curators: Ralph Spencer Steenblik - The world is in a renaissance. He is at the center of the exploration. Ralph creates positively influential spaces, reflecting scientific models and epic-defining ideas, embracing collaboration. He has socially responsive built works in Africa and Central America and has worked with various architectural firms across the country. His thesis at SCI Arc deals with Neuromorphic Architecture’s relation to Compact Urbanism. Martin Roy Mervel - an accomplished and talented architect who brings over 25 years of diversified design experience in commercial and residential projects. Mr. Mervel is a building Architect, committed and focused on integrating nature with built space. Mr. Mervel has managed award winning projects such as Kate Mantilini Restaurant in Beverly Hills, CA and the Crawford Residence in Montecito, California, working with Thom Mayne at Morphosis (2005 Pritzger Prize) and Michael Rotondi (ROTO). Both of these mentors encouraged him to open his own office, Studio SLAB in 1987.