FABRICATED FREEDOM embarks on a journey through freedom and self-discovery, it follows a group of university undergrads as they navigate the exhilarating journey of newfound independence. In this gripping tale, some seized the opportunity to sculpt their own destinies while others succumbed to the allure of boundless freedom, spiraling into loss of self and loss of purpose. Permit me to introduce you to "from grass to grace." Meet unwavering pillar of piety, experience the disappointment of lost souls. Get on board to learn how this set of undergrads navigates the maze of university life. From dysfunctional home to solace and love within the campus walls. From the suffocating grip of parental control to finally finding balance, experience the triumphs and tribulations of the characters as they strive to find their true selves amidst the chaos of newfound freedom. "FABRICATED FREEDOM" is a direct and compelling tale that will leave you questioning the dark side of freedom, the impact of choices and the power of self-discovery.