Conversations with Gary Beard solidified all the subjects in between Cars and Brown Pathologies. Captain Beard birthed Latitude Hook and button Gwinnet hall and Walton concepts from book one. K. Brown was born right in a cubicle near John's Creek, Georgia. Pathologies is her anthology. Johnnie Edwards already wrote a book about engine oil. Tim Chea sits in a cubicle one row over from me. He is a fighter from the Philippines. He used to wake up 3:30 AM every morning to train. We talked about mixed martial arts a lot. Morphologies and pathologies touch on homelessness, a pandemic to the USA Scriptural background for homelessness and the path toward it comes from Mathew 19:12 No Mackenzie art in book two. Maybe next time. For what's not included in books one and two, you can still find on Google. I had one article named The Pedestrian but did not post it due to prior work from Ray Bradbury. Now that would have been presumptuous.