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"The serpent was the most cunning of all the animals of the fields that Yahweh God had made. It said to the woman: ’So, God has said: You will not eat of all the trees in the garden?’" Genesis 3: 1How well do we really know this verse, and have we fully understood what it tells us? Do we really know the nature of all the actors in this scene, as well as the very nature of what is denounced in this passage? Are we sure we ultimately comprehend the message that this verse is attempting to communicate to us, a message too quickly relegated to Judeo-Christian myths?Isn’t there something here that we should urgently consider, in this singular moment of our history that seems so decisive in view of the multiple tensions our Earth is experiencing, culturally as well as naturally?Summary
"This essay provides a new interpretation of the Biblical creation story in Genesis, focusing on the issue of the regime of value as the foundation of humanity’s alienation. The author strives to contextualize the message of warning that this foundational text addresses to humans regarding their relationship with the created world, the meaning of history, and the future of humanity." (c) Electre Data Services 2024 (Summary translated from French by Marybeth Timmermann).