Brian Schnoor grew up on the north side of Chicago. Upon graduation from Southern Illinois University, the former Catholic schoolboy, altar boy, and Eagle Scout, began a fourteen-year stint working for the infamous television talk show, the Jerry Springer Show where he was able to put his story-telling and writing skills to use spinning an hour of talk TV into an exciting 30 seconds of visual temptation. For this he won the 2000 Promax Silver Award for Writing as well as the NBC/Universal Ovation Award. During his tenure at the Springer Show, Brian had the opportunity to put his acting skills to use when he brought to television a character he’d created years before while studying the art of Improvisational Theater at the famed Second City Conservatory in Chicago. Brian’s drunk, womanizing, hypocritical Reverend Shnorr became a favorite among the Springer show’s faithful viewers. At one point, Reverend Shnorr t-shirts out sold the show’s popular ’Security’ shirts and the popularity of the character spurred NBC to distribute a Rev. Shnorr on-line video game. He appeared in over 150 episodes over a three-year period. Clips of his appearances have garnered over 600,000 unique views on YouTube. Reverend Shnorr fans spanned the globe across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. His novel, In the Sanctity of Revenge, is a departure from his comedic roots, but incorporates Brian’s intimate knowledge of Chicago, his Catholic school upbringing, and his ability to tell a compelling and thrilling story of anger, greed and betrayal. He continues to live in the Chicagoland area with his wife and children.