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Val Inchley OBE

On Call
$ 350
On Call
作者:Val Inchley OBE 
出版社:Onwards and Upwards Publishers
樂天KOBO 樂天KOBO - 宗教  - 來源網頁  
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:樂天KOBO   評分:
圖書名稱:On Call

Born in the middle of an air raid, Val's life began with a bang, and she has been living in the fast lane ever since. Aged ten, she became a Christian at a beach mission, and then at twenty-one she committed the unforgivable sin (as defined only by her parents on that occasion). In 1967 she graduated (with honours) in Medicine from the University of Liverpool and the following year God called her to work in Nepal. Scared stiff of spiders and hopeless at languages, she was an unlikely mission recruit, but - to everyone's great surpise - in 1996 Val was awarded an OBE for 'services to the British community and health care in Nepal'. During 43 years in that amazing country (many aspects of which are described in the book), she filled a multitude of medical roles before starting Bible Yatra Nepal, a Bible training organisation, and then pioneering work amongst Nepali migrants, especially in SE Asia and the Middle East. Now 're-tyred', she lives in Sutton Coldfield, UK and is involved with Nepali migrants and her local church, whilst also remaining in touch with many Nepali friends.


"Val's gentle, gracious humility – so true to her as a person if you ever get to meet – shines through the pages of her fascinating autobiography, the story of her call to, work in, and return from Nepal.

Val writes with a delightful light touch, weaves in her fabulous humour, and cuts to the core of what it means to love and serve Jesus, no matter the circumstances. Proselytism, as she explains early on, is very different from "living a life that attracts people to Jesus, telling them about him, and offering to pray for them when they are in need". Val has certainly led that life.

Enjoy her rich descriptions of living in Nepal and laugh-out-loud anecdotes; feel exhausted but enthused by her relentless schedule and responsibilities; learn from her depth of wisdom and spiritual insight; be challenged by her honesty, vulnerability and integrity; and be inspired, to press on to pursue all that God has called you to be and do."

Anne Le Tissier
Author, writer, speaker, with a passion and call to disciple others in their ongoing walk with God.

"Val Inchley captures perfectly the feel of life and pace of change in Nepal over her 43 years of ministry there. And she captures the reality of being a medical missionary, with all of life's ups and downs honestly and graphically described.

This is an inspiring story of a life of Christian service and sacrifice, but also of the joy and wonder of living in such a fabulous land serving such a marvellous people. This is a personal story that is also the story of how God has been at work in Nepal over many years. Reading Val’s account just makes me want to go back to Nepal again!"

Venerable Bob Jackson
Author of Higher than the Hills & many other books

"My first memories of Val were at the Himalayan Helper youth camps. Little did I know then that one day we would share a room at missionary training college (Mount Hermon that was) and be on the same team for local evangelism/church purposes.

During those days I was often asked the question, 'Do you think that in 20 years' time she will still be running?' I can assure you that in more ways than one Val was still running then, and I am sure you will be convinced as you read this book that nearly 50 years later she still is. (Perhaps not at the same rate!)

Val has faithfully 'run with perseverance the race marked out for [her].' Where others might have given up she stuck at it during difficult days.

Val was able to be faithful because the word of God says, 'The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.'"

Dot Evans
Former colleague

"Dr Val has written an honest account of her adventure in faith. It is light and yet profound, humorous yet moving. The astonishing development of the Nepali church from mustard seed beginnings to global burgeoning is observed from within.

Above all, this is an account of God’s faithfulness and transforming power – in the midst of the Nepali people and in the lived experience of someone who was willing to be On Call."

Steve Aisthorpe
Former INF Director;
now Mission Development Worker with the Church of Scotland

"In 'On Call' Val describes with honesty and humour her experiences doing medical, administrative and teaching work for 43 years in the beautiful country of Nepal.

Her book is a fund of information and should be required reading for anyone going to work in Nepal or indeed in any developing country. It is also a challenging read to any committed Christian for two reasons: one is Val's example of obedience, unflagging energy and long-term commitment; the other is the example and vitality of the Nepali church which, in spite of persecution, has multiplied a thousand-fold in the last 50 years."

Joan Kearney MA BD
Former colleague

"A unique missionary autobiography.

For 43 years 'On Call' letters brought news of Val and Nepal, and I was happy to distribute these for 25 years. I am so glad that 'Inch' has completed this comprehensive story of her life and work herself. Written in her own inimitable style, she weaves a wonderful picture of the beautiful land of Nepal – its geography, history, language – and of its resilient and hospitable people whom she was called to serve."

Judy (Judith M) Crook

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