What Happened to our childhood? From the outside our family appeared to have it all, a beautiful home, educated parents, family vacations etc. Unfortunately behind closed doors my siblings and I were trying to survive from our mother's suicidal rages and our father's absence and abuse. The darkness that descended upon our home became part of our life. No one wanted to believe this condition existed, like the police officers who would be called to our home, the school counselors who questioned our behavioral problems, and the doctors who tended to our cuts and bruises. After searching for years for the lost pieces of my childhood, I finally reconstructed the memories that were waiting to unfold. My journey to reclaim my lost childhood was at times bitterly painful, while at other times brought me serenity. I realize the many earth angels and heavenly ones that came into our lives to show us something very different: love and compassion. I feel it is my role as the perpetual peacemaker in my family to bring the four of us together and heal our wounds from this painful past. The Forgotten Child is a candid memoir that guides the reader through the emotional rollercoaster of living in such an unpredictable and abusive environment. It is my fervent hope that at least one lost soul will read this book and come to realize that there is a better way of life awaiting them at the end of the dark tunnel of abuse.