This is a guide for our times. In a world where we are drowning in data yet hungry for wisdom, moving ever faster yet confused where we are headed, and feeling divided yet longing for connection, this is a call to pause. It is an invitation to turn our attention from the challenges of our lives, work, and world to the space where our answers and solutions reside-our own mind.
United Mind leads you on an inward journey guided by a simple concept: Most of our thoughts emerge in three basic states of mind that drive our doing, thinking, and being. When we don’t know how these states run our mind, it can feel like a space divided against itself and lead to the many challenges and struggles we face. When these states unite in harmony, we gain clarity and wisdom to creatively rethink how we lead our lives, work together, and change our world.
This book is for any mind curious about itself. It builds on concepts first shared in Enduring Edge: Transforming How We Think, Create and Change (yet assumes no familiarity with that book). United Mind reflects the stories and experiences of readers, audiences, and students who played with the concept of the three states to transform their own minds and lives. It offers simple practices and practical insights to help us unlock our mind’s limitless talents and transcend its limiting traps. Ultimately, it leads us to realize that everything we experience-within and in the world-reflects our state of mind.