I am pleased to have the opportunity to recommend this book which brings valuable pieces of information for the benefit of mankind.
I met Dr. Pan on a casual occasion through the introduction of a friend. Dr. Pan is an M.D. and Ph.D. in Chemistry, a reputable plastic surgeon, and a scientist. He has more than 40 years of experience in research and more than 30 years of experience in clinical medicine.
After I took charge of the Wan Hai Lines, I became a firm believer in “Health is Wealth” and have been receiving various anti-aging therapies*. When Dr. Pan explained the science behind heterochronic parabiosis, I immediately became interested and decided to receive the treatment. After only a few sessions, I felt my energy level had improved, the dark shadow of the skin around my toes resolved, and the pigmentation of my face had lightened up. My friends also noticed the changes in my appearance for which I have received many compliments. Since then I have become a great supporter of the plasma exchange program based on the principle of heterochronic parabiosis.
The most unique aspect of the book is that it is organized by a series of questions. Dr. Pan used these questions to guide the readers to explore the vast amount of information in the rapidly growing field of anti-aging medicine. If you read the book carefully, you will understand how scientists are approaching questions by asking one after another one of the questions, followed by carefully designed experiments and analysis of data collected, to find the answer.
After I finished reading this book, I realized that heterochronic parabiosis is more than just an emerging anti-aging medical treatment, it is a science that is based on rigorous scientific principles as compared to medicine which is sometimes more of an art. Just like adding water to a cup of espresso will make it look and tastes lighter, is a science. Heterochronic parabiosis is a technology that makes the blood younger, when the blood becomes younger, the function of the cell will improve, and the aging phenomena are reversed.
If you are interested in the science of aging or anti-aging or want to delay the aging process of your body or improve aging-related diseases or are merely interested in the clinical application of the heterochronic parabiosis technology, I would recommend this book to you without any hesitation.
Dr. Ching-Chih Chen**
Group Chairman
Wan Hai Lines Ltd.
** Dr. Ching-Chih Chen is a B.S. in Physics and a Ph.D. in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was a Professor in Economics at National Taiwan University and a consultant to the Ministry of Finance, Taiwan. He was the President of Wan Hai Lines Ltd. from 1969-1989 and Chairman from 1989-2008, during which he successfully built the company to become one of the largest players in the container shipping industry worldwide.
* Dr. Ching-Chih Chen has received the La Prairie Therapy annually from 1991 till 2000 for 9 consecutive years. He also had been to Morishita Clinic in Nagoya, Japan for placenta tissue therapy 3-4 times a year for 19 years. He began a modified version of intermittent fasting in 2019.
To live and look young forever has been the dream of mankind. Now, for the first time in history, the secret of aging and the method to reverse it has been revealed scientifically red
About 100 hundred years ago, scientists performed an experiment called heterochronic parabiosis to successfully reverse the aging phenomena of old animals in the laboratory.
What is heterochronic parabiosis?
In short, it is the use of materials (e.g., blood, tissue extracts, or stem cells) obtained from young organisms to make the old organism young again.
From 1904 to 1906 at the University of Chicago , Dr. Alexis Carrel was able to connect the vessels of an animal or its organ to another animal and kept it alive for weeks in time. By this technique, he was able to study the effect of aging and the mechanisms of other disease processes. This is the first time and the only experimental method to date where effects of aging reversal could be observed with naked eyes within days.
As a plastic surgeon with a practice focused on facelift procedures, I began to notice the loss of harmony in post-operative patients. As a result, I became very interested in regenerative medical technologies that might rejuvenate the facial appearance in a natural way.
Until the summer of 2012 when the work of Dr. Carrel was brought to my attention incidentally while I was competing in the Global Launch of The Booth Business School of the University of Chicago in Beijing. Based on the immortal theory of cells propose by Carrel, I was able to hypothesize that the blood plasma is like the culture media for the cells inside human body, if we can renew the plasma to a more youthful state, we might be able to reverse the aging process and extend the healthspan of human.
We were able to engineer a formulation to simulate the effect of heterochronic parabiosis in a clinical setting which was later supported by the pioneering work of Conboys’ and Dr. Dobri Kiprov in 2020.
Current protocol for our heterochronic plasma exchange is in three parts. All of the parts could be performed using one small single lumen intravenous catheter easily in an outpatient clinic setting.
During the past few years, we have performed these heterochronic plasma exchange procedures for hundreds of patients with various aging-related problems, such as: Adult-onset diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, degenerative disc joint diseases, frailty, and for the prevention of local recurrence and metastasis of solid tumors. The expectancy of our patients was largely met as indicated by more than sixty percent of retention rate.
Finally, I sincerely wish the birth of this book will allow those who are interested in anti-aging technologies to gain further understanding of the developmental history, underlying mechanism, and potential clinical applications of anti-aging plasma exchange developed based on the heterochronic parabiosis experiment.
Fu-shih Pan, M.D., Ph.D.