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$ 817 ~ 860 | 後繼受時代的東亞法文化: 第八屆東亞法哲學研討會論文集
作者:陳起行/江玉林/今井弘道/鄭泰旭/ 主編 出版社:元照出版有限公司 出版日期:2012-12-01 ![]() |
序 言
政治大學法學院特聘教授 陳起行
政治大學法律學系教授 江玉林
浙江大學光華法學院特聘教授 今井弘道
仁荷大學校法學專門大學院教授 鄭泰旭
序 言
Invited Speeches & Keynote Speeches
鈴木賢 Ken Suzuki/3
‧法與政治之分離在東亞—探討建立法治原則(rule of law)之前提問題
The Boundary Between Politics and Law in East Asia:A Prerequisite for Thinking about Rule of Law
吳炳善 Byung-Sun Oh/6
‧From Rule by Law to Rule of Law: Ethos of Korean Law in the Great Institutional Transformation
梁治平 Liang Zhiping/21
Reviving the Publicness of Law: An Observation on the Rise of Public Interest Law in Contemporary China
長谷川晃 Ko Hasegawa/25
Shaping Law with Cultural Heterogeneity: From a Creolist Viewpoint
陳惠馨 Hwei-Syin Chen/38
Law and Social Transformation: Dynamics of Gender Relationship in Taiwan
今井弘道 Hiromichi IMAI/46
‧東アジア法学の課題と方向—Eugen Ehrlichに寄せて
The Challenge and the Perspective for the East Asian Jurisprudence: With Some Comments on Eugen Ehrlich
Articles & Special Workshops
舒國瀅 Shu Guoying/59
Topics: From Aristotle to Cicero
張嘉尹 Chia-yin Chang/128
Some Reflections on the Paradigm of Jurisprudence in Taiwan
李 超 Li Chao/151
Study on Judge Election System in the Early Years of Republic of China
江玉林 Yu-Lin Chiang/169
The Fabrication of Law-Abiding Citizens:Legal Iconologist Reflections on Taiwan Legal Education in Post-WWII Elementary and Secondary Schools
許育典 Yue-Dian Hsu/185
An Introspection of Cultures and the Constitution: From the Cultural Constitution to the Culture of the Constitution
杜健榮 Du Jian-rong/222
Legal Order under the Influence of Social Structure: To Take the Contemporary Chinese Mainland for an Example
汪習根、王康敏 Wang Xi-gen & Wang Kang-min /231
Confliction and Integration: Emotion, Reason and Law
徐金雲 Chin-yun Hsu/249
Burden of Proof and Burden of Criticism: Argument Visualization and Legal Reasoning
安子明、齊海濱 An Ziming & Qi Haibin/267
State Institutional Equilibrium and Postnate Region: An Institutional and Sociological Analysis of Land Issues in Yulin
馬宗潔 Tsung-Chieh Ma/292
Rationale of the Provocation
李玉璽 Lee Yu-His/310
The Local Practice and Problem of Taiwan Gender Equity Education Act in the University Curriculum: The Study of the Course in “Gender Relationship and Law”
李 游 Li-you/324
Infiltration of the Western Legal Culture into Traditional Chinese Culture
李紅勃 Li Hongbo/332
Between Adjudication and Instruction: Research on Judicial Proposal System in Mainland China
陳惠馨 Hwei-Syin Chen/354
The Picture on Property Relationship in the Norms of Qing:Case Study of the Land
坂口一成 Kazushige Sakaguchi/377
False Charge and the Legitimacy of Criminal Trials in China:“The Leadership of the Party” and “The Independence of Trial” Surrounding Fairness
Tseng, Chien-Yuan & Samuel Wen-Yi Liao
A Review of the Implementation of the Right to Receive the Assistance of Lawyer in the First Instance under Interrogation
王曉曄 Wang Xiaoye/408
The Enforcement of China’s AML for Three Years and the Rule of Law
中山竜一 Ryuichi Nakayama/420
The Fukushima Nuclear Crisis and the Culture of “Legal Instrumentalism”
樺島博志 Hiroshi KABASHIMA/431
Settlement in Pollution Cases: Contribution to the Dispute Resolution of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s Melt Down
橋本祐子 Yuko HASHIMOTO/453
Vengeance, Punishment, and Penal Populism
栗田誠 Makoto KURITA/461
Japanese Antimonopoly Act in International and East Asian Contexts
양천수 梁千秀 Chun-Soo Yang/479
‧東아시아 人權레짐의 可能性 試論
Possibilities of an East Asian Human Rights Regime
정태욱 鄭泰旭 Chung, Tai-Uk/487
‧北韓 法體制의 歷史的 展開過程—權力承繼를 中心으로
The Past and Present of the North Korean Constitution and Legal Culture: Especially on the Power Succession
진희권 秦熙權 Hee-Kwon Chin/495
‧大韓民國에서 姦通罪의 過去 現在 未來—儒家思想에서 바라본 刑法에서의法益
The Past, Present, Future of the Punishment of Adultery in Korea: By the Protection of Criminal Law in Confucianism
주순식 朱舜埴 Soon Sik Ju/504
‧한국 경쟁법 제정의 요인분석—1980년 독점규제 및 공정거래에관한 법률 제정
Three Primary Factors that Led to the Birth of Competition Law in Korea
朱紹俊 Chu, Siu-chun Sidney/515
‧The Extent of Distributive Justice in East Asia: A Dworkinian Approach
Astrid Lipinsky 李雅瑞/536
‧The Concept of an East Asian “Rechtskreis”: Origin and Future
陳起行 Chi-Shing Chen/571
‧Privacy and the New Legal Paradigm
簡資修 Tze-Shiou Chien/589
‧Economic Analysis of Law: A Coasean Approach
권오걸 權五杰 Oh Geol Kwon/599
‧A Study on the Citizen Participatory Trial in Korea
Postgraduate Articles
馬 斌 Ma Bin/611
The Law of Bureaucracy: The Construction of Max Weber’s Thought of Legal Positivism
林執中 Lin, Jyr-Jong/623
A Reconstruction of Hart’s Concept of Legal System: The Limitation of Pragmatics in Legal Theory
江可捷 Ko-Chieh Chiang/648
Law in Movement: Activist's Legal Consciousness in Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP) Dispute
林慈偉 Tzu-Wei Lin/661
A Cultural Analysis of the Language of Received Law: Case Study of Keyword Search for Legal Information
郭 薇 Guo Wei/670
Does “Public Opinion” Matter: A Multilevel Analysis of Criminal Law-Making Process in Japan
侯士雋 Shih-Chun Hou/683
On the Current Situations Formed by the Interaction of ICCPR/ICESCR and Taiwan
陳欣白 Chen, Hsin-Pai/704
Kant’s Idea of Retributive Justice and a Reflection on the Controversy over the Death Penalty in Taiwan Society
長谷川陽子 Yoko Hasegawa/716
Reexamination of Human Rights: Based on Hannah Arendt’s Existential Thought
橋場典子 Noriko HASHIBA/723
Access to Justice and Law-Related Education: With Particular Reference to Social Inclusion and Social Capital
吉良貴之 KIRA Takayuki/735
‧On Reasoning in Law and Science