圖書簡介研究論文 Research Article
05 Old is New!?故宮宣傳影片及青年觀眾解讀之研究
Old is New!? Study of NPM’s Advertising and Young Visitors’ Interpretations 劉曉樺、陳佳利
Hsiao-Hua Liu and Chia-Li Chen
研究紀要 Research Notes
27 博物館合作網絡實證分析與模型推導
Empirical Analysis and Establishment of Model for Museum Networks 田潔菁
Chieh-Ching Tien
67 博物館新聞溝通與有機形象塑造初探
Museum Press Communication and Shaping of Organic Images 劉君祺
Chun-Chi Liu
博物館誌 Museography
89 國立博物館財務捐助策略探究 ―― 以中正紀念堂為例
Study of Fundraising Strategies for Public Museums: A Case Study of Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall 蔡怡怡、董澤平、吳祖勝
Yi-Yi Tsai, Tse-Ping Dong and Tsu-Sheng Wu
展示評論 Exhibition Review
115 看見平埔的美麗與哀愁 ―― 試評「看見平埔:臺灣平埔族群
Witnessing Beauty and Sorrow: Review of “Seeing Pingpu: The History and Culture of the Plains Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan” Special Exhibition 潘薏卉
Yi-Hui Pan