Airfield and Highway Pavements: Meeting Today’s Challenges with Emerging Technologies presents the latest developments and case histories in airport and highway pavement design and analysis. This Proceedings contains 87 papers that were presented at the 2006 ASCE International Airfield and Highway Specialty Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia from April 30 - May 3, 2006. These papers include state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice airfield and highway pavement subjects. They also present recent developments in the field including modeling, construction, evaluation, testing and service life prediction.
Topics include: • Modeling and Analysis Techniques • Design Methods • Subgrade Stabilization Technologies • Construction, Quality Control and Recycling • Pavement Material Characterization and Performance • Distress Detection, Assessment and Prevention Techniques • Roughness and Friction Measurements and Analysis • Pavement Rehabilitation Techniques • Pavement Management Systems, Economics and Planning.