Sardo Pat was one of the original Forty-Niners, and he’s got a lot to tell about mining life, life in Frisco, robbers, race consciousness, honest men and liars, time-tunnel “spirit doors”, and the price of eggs.
Praise for “Fistfight at Judas Gulch”...
“A masterpiece of dialectical humor! The story of Sardo Pat is a tale of true working class struggle, a struggle against naked industrial greed and the inhumanity of capitalism!”
- K. Marx, Times of London, 1862
“If I’d’a knowed thet little rascal was goin’ to tell the world the truth about me, I’d’a shot him with my tit gun myself!”
- M. Twain Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1863
“The sufferings of the lonely, noble miner, the struggles against all odds, for risk and chance—Ah, to be young again, and taste of deadly Danger as she throws down the hand of fate atop the cards you hold!”
B. Harte, Northern Californian, 1863
“A masterful accomplishment!”
- Ina Coolbrith, Oakland Tribune, 1865