目次About the Authors.Preface (John L. Mikesell and Daniel R. Mullins).Chapter 1. Alligators in the Swamp: developments in Local Budgeting and Finance (Daniel R. Mullins and Michael A. Pagano).Chapter 2. The State of State Budget Research (Irene Rubin).Chapter 3. Congressional Budgeting At Age 30: Is It Worth Saving (Roy T. Meyers and Philip G. Joyce).Chapter 4. Public Financing in Developing and Transition Countries (Roy Gahl and Sally Wallace).Chapter 5. United States Revenue Policy: Stability Within the Rhetoric of Reform (John L. Mikesell).Chapter 6. The Evolution of the State and Local Government Municipal Debt Market Over the Past Quarter Century (W. Bartley Hildreth and C. Kurt Zorn).Chapter 7. The Discourse of Governmental Accounting and Auditing (Jean Harris)