Very Easy Reading, Third Edition is a four-level reading course designed for the young beginning reader. Through this series, students are exposed to new vocabulary and structures in a controlled manner, making each reading very accessible and enjoyable to the new reader. In addition to activities to practice basic speaking, listening, and writing skills, Very EcisyReading, Thi rd Edition, also features original chants as a fun way of practicing the sounds of English. Features: ‧ Pre-reading, speaking, and vocabulary activities ‧ Fun chants to practice pronunciation and intonation ‧ Animated versions of readings and chants available on hybrid CD ‧ Comprehension and mind mapping activities ‧ Listening/pronunciation activities with audio support ‧ Writing activities at the end of each unit ‧ Additional vocabulary practice with free application through the QR code (書後附有CD/解答請email至網路書店客服信箱索取)