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前進中文:中級課程1(繁體版)(可下載雲端MP3) Progressive Chinese: Intermediate Course 1 (Traditional Character Edition)

前進中文:中級課程1(繁體版)(可下載雲端MP3) 前進中文:中級課程1(繁體版)(可下載雲端MP3)

規格:26cm*19cm (高/寬) / 平裝 / 304頁
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:博客來   評分:
圖書名稱:前進中文:中級課程1(繁體版)(可下載雲端MP3) Progressive Chinese: Intermediate Course 1 (Traditional Character Edition)







  1.    ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview中級語言使用者所需要的問答能力,並可處理簡單的交際任務(對於優秀學習者,高階語言使用者所需要的簡單敘述、比較、描述等能力亦能同時培養)。
  2.    理解成段的中文篇章,因此能產出句段形式的中文。
  3.    建立聽力、閱讀策略,培養對不熟悉語言成分的容忍度、泛聽/讀能力,以及猜測的能力。
  4.    發展並運用語言學習策略,逐漸成為獨立的中文學習者,以達到終身學習的目的。

  ˙The learning goals that center on the thematic units are set in accordance with the language proficiency levels, established by the ACTFL

  ˙To Comply with the pedagogical principle of backward design to establish the teaching/learning goals for the intermediate learner of Chinese

  ˙Integrates into its thematic contents the ACTFL-defined, three mores of language uses as well the 5C concepts

  ˙Assist the learner to achieve holistic progress and to cultivate specific linguistic abilities of Chinese

  ˙The selecting of keywords/phrases in thetextbooks is greatly in line with vocabulary levels defined by the HSK and by the TOCFL. The regional difference in language uses between the two sides of theTaiwan Strait are also meticulously annotated in the textbooks

  In recent years, the background of learners has become diversified, and the number of self-study students of elementary Chinese is also increasing. On the pedagogical front, however, learning materials, found to be biased towards school life and youth culture, fail to meet the needs and interests of adult learners. In response to the current dilemma, “Progressive Chinese: Intermediate Course” is thus designed for people from all works of life.

  “Progressive Chinese: Intermediate Course” is based on the results of action research done by experienced Chinese instructors affiliated in colleges and universities in the United States. This series of textbooks is a set of two volumes, and each volume is composed of four thematic units. The learning goals that center on the thematic units are set in accordance with the language proficiency levels, established by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Specifically, “Progressive Chinese: Intermediate Course” attempts to help the Novice-High learner attain the proficiency level of Intermediate Mid (with the first volume), and then to the level of Intermediate High (with the second volume).

  “Progressive Chinese: Intermediate Course” complies with the pedagogical principle of backward design to establish the teaching/learning goals for the intermediate learner of Chinese. Through various forms of formative and summative assessment, every lesson and every thematic unit constantly provides the learner with chances to re-consolidate their developing Chinese proficiency. As standardized ways of ensuring successful learning, “Progressive Chinese: Intermediate Course” integrates into its thematic contents the ACTFL-defined, three mores of language uses as well the 5C concepts of Communication, Culture, Connection, Comparison, and Community.

  In addition to the overall progress in Chinese, “Progressive Chinese: Intermediate Course”  attempts to cultivate the following specific linguistic abilities of Chinese:

  1. To ask questions, to answer questions, to deal with simple social transactions, (forthe high potential learner) to narrate, to compare, and to describe.

  2. To process and to produce Chinese texts in paragraphs.

  3. To develop strategies to comprehend audio and textual input: to put up with unfamiliar language units, to skim through materials, to infer information from co-texts.

  4. To develop and apply language learning strategies to gradually become independent Chinese learners to achieve the purpose of lifelong learning.

  1.    本教材為北美一線中文教師行動研究成果。
  2.    八大主題單元貫穿兩冊課文,由淺入深涵蓋中、高級話題與語用任務。
  3.    學習活動目標、評量任務參照ACTFL的語言水準能力等級、三種溝通模式與5C理念。
  4.    語言點與詞彙選擇參照漢語水準考試、華語文能力測驗的詞彙等級,且並陳兩岸差異。
  5.    同時符合社會職場人士與大學生各自需求、語言能力和認知程度。
  6.    發展中級口語能力,培養聽力、閱讀策略,逐步成為獨立的中文學習者。

  ☉ Six Features of the Textbooks
  1.    This textbook series is based on results from action research done by experienced Mandarin Chinese instructors affiliated with U.S. universities and colleges.

  2.    Eight thematic units run through two volumes of textbooks, covering personal, communitial, societal issues and learning tasks.

  3.    The design of learning tasks and assessment activities aligns with ACTFL’s proficiency benchmarks, three modes of communication, and 5C principles.

  4.    The selection of grammar and vocabulary aligns with the guidelines by HSK and Chinese Language Proficiency Test, with cross-strait differences clearly marked and listed.  

  5.    This textbook series is designed for people from all walks of life and college students to meet the various needs and interests of adult learners.

  6.    Learners will develop intermediate level oral proficiency, while establishing listening and reading strategies, and eventually become independent learners of Mandarin Chinese.



邱新富 Hsin-fu Chiu

  洛杉磯州立大學現代語文副教授,洛杉磯加州大學應用語言學博士。曾任教於明德中文暑校、波莫納學院、文藻、中教大。著有《Language Socialization in Chinese Diasporas》、《全球華語語法•美國卷》、《語法動起來》等。

  Dr. Hsin-fu Chiu is an Associate Professor at the California State University, Los Angeles and earned his Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics at UCLA. Dr. Chiu worked for UCLA, Pomona College, and the Middlebury Chinese School. He has authored Language Socialization in Chinese Diasporas, Global Variation of Chinese Grammar, Interaction and Chinese Grammar Pedagogy, and more.

吳瑜 Yu Wu  

  美國羅德島大學現代與古典語言文學系副教授,波士頓大學教育學博士。長期任教於明德中文暑校。著有多篇學術文章,發表於《Foreign Language Annals》、《Language Educator》、《Classroom Research on Chinese as a Second Language》等。現亦為美國外語教師協會認證的口語能力測試考官。

  Dr. Wu is an Associate Professor of Chinese at the University of Rhode Island. She received her Ed.D. from Boston University. Dr. Wu regularly teaches in the Middlebury College Chinese School. She has published journal articles and book chapters in Foreign Language Annals, Language Educator, Classroom Research on Chinese as a Second Language (Routledge), etc. She is an ACTFL certified OPI tester.

楊玉笙 Yusheng Yang

  美國喬治城大學東亞語言文化系助理教授。曾任教於臺灣師大國語教學中心、美國漢明頓大學、明德中文暑校,以及美國各大學聯合漢語中心暑期K-12中文教師培訓班。合著《Chinese Grammar Made Easy》等書。

  Yusheng Yang is an Assistant Teaching Professor at Georgetown University. She received her Master’s degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language from NTNU in Taiwan. Previously taught at Hamilton College, Middlebury Chinese Summer School, and the Mandarin Training Center at NTNU. She is ACTFL’s certified OPI tester, OPI rater, and AAPPL rater. Co-authored Chinese Grammar Made Easy.

葉信鴻 Hsin-hung Yeh


  Hsin-hung Yeh, Ph.D. in Chinese Linguistics (Stanford University). Dr. Yeh is currently teaching at Santa Clara University and Middlebury Chinese Summer School. He also taught Chinese at Waseda University (Japan) and Harvard University. He is ACTFL’s certified OPI tester, OPI rater, and WPT rater.


推薦序 Foreword
前言 Preface
人物介紹 Character Introduction.

Unit 1
Lesson 1 坐出租車和住旅館 Taking a Taxi and Checking in to a Hotel
Lesson 2 租房子 Looking for a Place to Rent
Lesson 3 請朋友來暖房 Housewarming Party.
Lesson 4 綜合練習 Comprehensive Exercise

Unit 2
Lesson 1 去超市 Going to a Supermarket
Lesson 2 上網購物 Shopping Online
Lesson 3 誰想戴綠帽子啊? Who Wants to Wear a Green Hat?
Lesson 4 綜合練習 Comprehensive Exercise

Unit 3
Lesson 1 中國人喜歡吃什麼? What do Chinese People like to Eat?
Lesson 2 我們點菜吧!Let’s Order!
Lesson 3 你能教我怎麼包餃子嗎? Can you Teach me how to Wrap Dumplings?
Lesson 4 綜合練習 Comprehensive Exercise

Unit 4
Lesson 1 到廣州出差 A Business Trip to Guangzhou
Lesson 2 坐高鐵旅行 Travel by High-Speed Rail
Lesson 3 方祥安的遊記 Travel Diary
Lesson 4 綜合練習 Comprehensive Exercise

生詞索引 Vocabulary Index
語法點、詞語搭配、慣用語索引 Grammar Points, Collocations and Idiomatic Expressions Index


推薦序 一 Foreword 1

  It gives me great pleasure and pride to see the publication of Progressive Chinese: Intermediate Course(前進中文:中級課程。正中書局). Two of the authors were former graduate students of mine, and all the authors are veteran Middlebury program instructors. The new textbook comes in two volumes, with a total of 32 lessons organized under 8 major topics, 4 basic and 4 advanced. If adopted at Middlebury for Level 2, the two volumes should provide enough instruction and learning materials for the entire duration of the summer program, totaling about 128 hours of instruction time. Portions of the volumes had been used in the Middlebury summer program. If adopted elsewhere for non-intense programs (5-6 hours per week) or for personal learning, the books will provide enough instruction for over two semesters. The completion of this entire course will raise an NH (Novice High) learner to the level of IH (Intermediate High), i.e. CEFR A2-B1.

  Most L2 Chinese textbooks do not cover the linguistic as well as cultural differences between mainland China and Taiwan. Progressive Chinese is one of the exceptions, and such additions are not obtrusive. Simplified characters are employed throughout. English glosses of vocabulary are excellent. Notes on grammar are succinct and precisely worded. The books include a rich variety of exercises in all four skills. I have no doubt this intermediate course will give a pleasurable and satisfying experience in learning modern Chinese.

Shou-hsin Teng
Chungyuan Christian University, Taiwan
May 15, 2022

推薦序 二 Foreword 2

  《前進中文》可謂是一線中文教師行動研究成果,四位編者在大學的一般型常態班(regular semester courses)以及暑期的密集型強化班(intensive immersion courses)都有豐富的教學經驗,是明德中文學校深受學生愛戴的華語教師。他們在多年的教學實踐中對中級學生的語言能力、學習興趣、常見偏誤等都做了細緻的研究。《前進中文》是基於他們多年來進行的華語教學相關研究以及在教學一線的不斷創新。此書上下兩冊共計 8 個單元,32 篇課文,話題多元且教學活動豐富,除了注意聽說讀寫等語言技能的發展外,也兼顧趣味性和實用性,更注重華語在實際生活場景中交際能力的培養。其語言點和詞彙的選擇都參照了相應的中文水準能力等級,且最大亮點在於並陳兩岸詞彙差異,説明學習者在學習語言之餘,也能對中文在現實生活中的使用有更全面的認識。此套教材的部分單元已在美國明德暑期學校試用,獲得師生很好的反響。這套專為成人學習者所設計的中級教材,不僅適用於密集型課程,也適用於一般型課程,是華語教學界的一件喜事。我樂見其成。

Kenyon College
2022 年 5 月 17 日

推薦序 三 Foreword 3


Williams College / Middlebury College Chinese School
2022 年 5 月 14 日

推薦序 四 Foreword 4

  The grammar and vocabulary in this textbook prepared me for advanced study, the professional use of Mandarin Chinese, and life in a Mandarin-speaking environment. I completed this course of study in Level II at Middlebury’s summer school with the confidence that something approaching fluency was attainable, and for this reason I recommend to all learners and instructors.

Nicholas Haggerty
Middlebury College Chinese School,
Classes of 2016, 2018
July 7, 2021


  • ISBN:9789570919936
  • 規格:平裝 / 304頁 / 19 x 26 x 1.52 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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