圖書簡介 《道教儀式叢書》是勞格文(John Lagerwey)、呂鵬志合作主編的一套叢書,主要出版有關各地現存道教儀式的科本彙編、調查報告或研究著作。經過較長時間的醞釀和籌備,這套叢書將從2014年起陸續問世。本叢書由新文豐出版公司和嗇色園黃大仙祠聯合出版,且出版所需經費由嗇色園獨家贊助。叢書計劃得到了香港特別行政區大學教育資助委員會卓越學科領域計劃第五輪「中國社會的歷史人類學研究」及其執行機構之一香港中文大學—中山大學歷史人類學研究中心的支持。本叢書預定出版14種。
The Thunder Altar of Numinous Correspondence of Prior Heaven of Mt. Baiyun in Qiping Township, Tonggu County, Jiangxi Province, is a Daoist altar with a long history. According to the placard of patriarchs and ritual texts of the altar, tombstone inscriptions, family genealogies and local people’s accounts, the founding patriarch of this altar was Lei Zishou, a Daoist living in the early years of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). After several generations of transmission, in the late Qing dynasty (1644-1911), the altar was passed on to a Daoist surnamed Dai. So far the Dai family has presided over the altar for five generations and over 160 years, the present altar leader being Daoist master Dai Lihui. The total altar group comprises scattered, non-monastic Daoists, who can perform more than 20 kinds of major and minor rituals, all of which are basically traditional Zhengyi rituals. This book first briefly introduces basic information about the altar, including its geographical location, origination and transmission, personnel, spacial arrangements, ritual implements and vestments, and liturgical manuscripts. The body of the book gives complete and detailed descriptions of the procedures for four kinds of rituals, namely the register transmission and ordination ritual, the healing ritual, the offering ritual of purity and peace, and the ritual of salvation for the dead. The last part provides a presentation and partial transcriptions of several secret manuscripts. At the end of this book there is a collection of facsimiles of over 180 xylographical Daoist ritual materials (including scriptures, talismans, divinity icons, and documents, etc.) currently used in the northwest of Jiangxi Provinc.( Daojiao yishi congshu 1)