Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea by Jules Verne
When a professor is sent to find out what kind of sea creature has been attacking ships, his own ship is sunk. He is captured along with two shipmates and is taken on a fantastic undersea voyage. Welcome to 19th century science fiction, where Jules Verne writes about submarines and aqualungs before they were invented!
◎書末附加注釋及字彙解說, 便於查閱。
◎附加重點複習題, 可用來測試學生閱讀理解程度。
◎另有課後測驗題, 可作為隨堂或自我測驗。
◎全系列十五冊, 分為A,B,C三級, 可依程度選擇適合的級數閱讀。